Practicable Solutions

In my previous posts, I was really pouring my heart out so that I can calm down to do something constructive. Now that I have that out of the way, lets concentrate on way forward.

I have heard enough of people (including myself) blame the govt for every possible problem we have in our lives. But lets face it, the only person that cares about you as much as you is YOU. And the govt is so corrupt that it can't look after itself. I have also heard people (excluding me this time) say, the WHITE MAN is responsible for our problems. Lets re-analyse this statement. True we were oppressed by them for years. True they took alot of our treasures away. True they took our people away. True they even messed with our psyche to make us think we are good at nothing.

But so what!! If you ever want to move forward, you have to let go of the past and start thinking of possibilities of the future. When you realise your destination, wherever you're coming from doesn't matter anymore, what matters is where you decide to steer from your present position. We live in a world where we are always told of our limitations rather than our capabilities. There is one character I and alot of other researchers have found to be true about failures. They love to point fingers. Excuses after excuses. Every other thing is working against them except the real thing that's working against them. And that is they themselves. You see, even the bible says, heaven help those who help themselves. For heaven to help you, you must have proven beyond reasonable doubt that you are trying to help yourself.


Have I done the best that I can or I'm just mentally lazy? Ask yourself this question before you go to bed.

If we take a good look at situation of things around the world right now, the recession is everywhere. the Govts. of every country are doing their best to cut expenses and increase revenue. This puts alot of pressure on the people and living conditions. People are loosing their homes, properties, jobs, alot have even taken their own lives. But yet, more millionaires are being made in this period more than any other period in the history of mankind. Even teenagers are becoming millionaires nowadays. This has never been heard of since history on man. Kids making way more than their parents and all legitimately. What does this tell you?


Times have seriously changed. The old methods our parents use and believe in, no longer works. If you trully want to be financially free or rich, you will agree with me that the school system doesn't cut it anymore. If you want to have almighty degrees however and work for other people for the rest of your life and have a pretty OK life, then you're good with the old school system. I'm not against school because I know the importance as I have my own degree. But lets be clear about one thing, you will hardly ever have up to $3million dollars in your account or your total worth when your time's up on this earth with the school system.


......people have is not school education but financial education. And no school teaches this. You are going to have to learn it on your own. The school pumps more graduate out than employment is available. What does this tell you? Start thinking of working for yourself if you can afford it. If you're willing to learn a new skill and put time and effort to it, just like you did in school, your life will change whether the govt likes it or not. You can always start up your own business. It doesn't have to be expensive. These teenagers definitely did not get loans to startup, but they started with what they had and their lives changed.


......and this is what I mean by that. Parent only say one thing, its the Govt. Your kids are going to grow up with the same notion that its the Govt and this is going to kill whatever potential they have because they believe they can't do anything with it because IT'S THE GOVERNMENT. When you say to yourself, I have the potential to change my life regardless of whatever circumstance is around me, then your kids will pick this up too and become responsible adults in the long run.


and learn that history does repeat itself. This recession marks the end of an era and the beginning of another. The industrial age of go to school and get a safe secure job is over. It is the information age now. The agrarian age (agricultural age) dissapeared a long time ago. Then, it was about land and agriculture. He who had most of these was the richest. Then came industrial age (school, factories, unions etc) and that is not the order of the day anymore. In the agrarian age, it was about STUFF. The more stuff you had, the richer you were (land, farms etc). In the industrial age, it was about less stuff (academic qualifications) which was about number of years in school and a piece of paper. In the information age however, it's even lesser stuff. Just IT (PC and internet). When I said kids were millionaires, it was thanks to the internet. Now it is easier and even faster to make BIG time but only if you're up to date. Of course, an age/era doesn't just disappear by the snap of a finger. We didn't just pack up and left the farms (there are still farmers), we can't just stop going to school either. So the old era is still very much around, it's just that it's not the defining factor anymore. So if you don't start to update your kids on information that is relevant to their age, they will be very much left behind when it's their time.

I run a succesful business from the comfort of my own home and very independent of the Govt. How d'you think I did this? The internet. And it didn't cost me anywhere near a fortune as well (startup and running cost is about $50/month). So why can't people in developing countries do the same. I had to re-educate myself to be self dependent. I make way more in a month than most people make in a year. I don't get into rush hour traffic and I don't have a boss breathing down my spine. The good thing about starting your own business from home is that you're free to do anything else. You set the days and time that you work. You go on holidays when you feel like it. You can live anywhere in the world as long as there's internet and most of all, profitability is unlimited.

So if you're still down with the old school belief that the only way out is to work for a govt or corporation, you'll be left behind. The recession is actually the boom for my business. People are loosing their jobs everyday and this causes them to look for alternatives. This leads them to my industry. So the worse things get in the economy, the better it is for my business. Nigeria has always been in recession, so why can't young school leavers and middle-class workers duplicate this system that is Govt independent. I train and teach people to do the same and achieve the same result that I have achieved. If you're willing to learn a new skill set and you're unstoppable, then you will make it.


Stop the overdependence on the Govt. Network marketing has actually helped the American economy in numbers of ways. This is what Bill Clinton has to say about it

So this can work for us as well. For as many people that want to change their lives, they can because '...and unto them, he gave the power to become the sons of God' (Matthew 10:1). So it's possible!!

You cannot tell me the govt also controls the internet and that you don't have access to it. Before I left the country in 2007, I spent alot of time and money in the cybercafe (youtube) learning HIPHOP dance while my friends were looking for CHELSEA & ARSENAL etc. Today I teach hiphop dance here in Ireland as a hobby and still make money from it too. I only ate twice a day (in 2007) because I used my lunch money in cybercafe. If you're not ready to make sacrifices, trust me when I say success isn't for you. If you search for POLEEZE on youtube, you'll see alot of my dance videos all around europe. I have a friend who also learnt almost all of his filmmaking skills from the internet and he's brilliant at it. So young people should stop making excuses why they're not productive in empowered. They're simply lazy and too immature to do what is neccessary.